The classic AM transmitter layout is a master oscillator, followed by a "pen", or penultimate amplifier, followed by a PA or power amplifier. The master oscillator, which is probably crystal controlled, generates the carrier frequency.
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An oscillator that establishes the carrier frequency of the output of an amplifier or transmitter.
Source :
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1.CE amplifier circuit
2.LC oscillator circuit
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-- synchronizer
-- oscillator
-- modulator
-- up converter
-- power amplifier
-- transmission lines
-- antennas
-- down converter
-- local oscillator
-- demodulator
-- desynchronizer
-- service channel / order wire
-- alarm/control/network management
-- power supplies
1 answer says it is a microwave amplifier in which a Gunn oscillator functions as a negative-resistance amplifier when placed across the terminals of a microwave source.
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Because inverter consisted of series functions which started from 12VOLTS BATTERY -OSCILLATOR - POWER AMPLIFIER-TRANSFORMER-OUTLET SOCKET.
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amplifier is electronic circuit which is used to increase the amplitude of the input signal without affecting its frequency and phase.
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The amplifier projects the audio signal into something we can comprehend.
The oscillator creates a fixed or variable pitch, which is fed to the amplifier.
Amplifiers are circuits which transfer an input signal into an output signal.
Oscillators are autonomous circuits powered by a constant energy source.
They produce a steady state signal e.g. a sinusoidal signal or a chaotic signal.
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RC phase shift oscillator is used to generate frequency in audio range and it is a fixed audio frequency oscillator where as wien bridge oscillator is a variable audio frequency oscillator for high frequency oscillations it is better to design wide band amplifier with LC network
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By introducing positive feedback from output to input
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Yes because an amplifier with positive feedback is an oscillator.
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Some operations are not reversible, rectification is one.
To convert DC to AC electronically you need a circuit called an inverter. This involves an oscillator and power amplifier or power switching circuits.
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The R-C oscillator is also called a phase shift oscillator because the R-C filter creates a phase shift from input to output. The feedback portion of the oscillator (an amplifier) then serves to pump energy back into the filter.
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An oscillator requires a phase shift filter and an amplifier. There are several different designs, based on the requirements, such as sinusoidal or pulse train output. Please restate the question and provide more information as to the type of oscillator required.
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An amplifier can become and oscillator by adding positive feedback from the output back to the input. Positive feedback means that the phase of the signal fed back to the input is the same as the phase of the output signal. In the case of a high frequency oscillator, a tuned circuit (inductor and capacitor) or a quartz crystal in the input circuit will determine the frequency of oscillation.
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Question: Can a power amplifier amplify the power?
An amplifier can amplify the voltage or the current. Power can be converted to heat.
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The frequency determining components in a phase shift oscillator are the series of resistive/capacitive filters on the output of the inverting amplifier. See accompanying link.
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A: Very easy to do just provide a positive feedback and/or a phase shift it will oscillate
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it generates the carrier frequency of the output after passing a signal.
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A voltage amplifier does not have to supply significant current bur a power amplifier does.
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No. In an amplifier, Power Out > Power in. In a transformer Power Out ~= Power In (minus internal losses). An AC generator is more like an amplifier than a transformer.
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A NAND gate can be used as an oscillator or as an amplifier in a very rudimentary transmitter. (If both inputs of a NAND gate are tied together, it inverts the incoming signal. Chain two NANDs together with the outputs fed back through a crystal and you have a quick, easy oscillator. Chain another NAND or two or three with the inputs tied together and the output right into another NAND and you have a simple low power amplifier.)
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when the imput signal is so much that is oscillates the speaker, all an oscillator is defined as a device with A.C. feedback.
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The zener diode is neither a voltage amplifier nor a current limiting device but can be used in oscillator circuits to supply a constant output voltage.
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You can get amps for your guitar amplifier by purchasing and connecting a separate amplifier unit, also known as a power amplifier, to your existing guitar amplifier. This will allow you to increase the overall power and volume output of your guitar amplifier.
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A power amplifier may also boost voltage; in audio equipment, power amplifiers often have a dial on the front that is used to control the input voltage gain.
A simple power amplifier is composed of a single transistor; this type of configuration cannot provide voltage amplification as well. A voltage amplifier stage is needed. So the above example of an audio power amplifier is actually a voltage amplifier stage, followed by one or more power amplifier stages.
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An amplifier will power your subwoofer so they can work.
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You can manufacture your own alternating current, using an oscillator and amplifier
capable of outputting significant power. But it's a lot easier to just get it from one
of the electrical outlets in your house, since that's what the utility company generates
and distributes.
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1. Start with an oscillator that is controlled by voltage. VCO.
2. Use an audio amplifier with limiting
3. Apply audio signal to VCO control, usually via varicap diode.
The oscillator will change frequency in time with the audio signal.
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The intermediate frequency (IF) amplifier lies between the mixer and the demodulator. The mixer shifts the input radio frequency (RF) signal into the range of the IF amplifier. The IF amplifer is a band pass amplifier, so only RF signals that are the IF frequency distance away from the local oscillator in the mixer can pass through to the demodulator. This process is called the superhetrodyne process.
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PLL stands Phase Locked Loop . It consists of phase detector,low pass filter,voltage controlled oscillator,error amplifier
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PLL stands Phase Locked Loop . It consists of phase detector,low pass filter,voltage controlled oscillator,error amplifier
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the final stage of a power amp is a current amplifier in a bipolar design and a voltage amp in a FET design.
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Positive feedback is used in oscillators to keep them running or oscillating. An oscillator is basically an amplifier which has a feedback path from the output back to the input. This permits a portion of the output signal to get back to the input to "keep things going" in stage - to keep things oscillating. The feedback must be positive so that it will "contribute" to the stage being able to keep oscillating. If the feedback was negative, it would serve to damp the oscillation and to "kill" the oscillator.
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A phase-shift oscillator is a simple electronic oscillator circuit. It consists of an inverting amplifier element such as a transistor or op amp, with its output fed back into its input through an filterconsisting of a network of resistors and capacitors. The feddback network 'shifts' the phase of the amplifier output by 180 degrees at the oscillation frequency, to give positive feedback.[1] Phase shift oscillators are mostly used at lower frequencies, often in the audio frequency range as audio oscillators.
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A tank circuit in a Hartley oscillator is a combination of inductors and capacitors that forms a resonant circuit. This tank circuit determines the frequency of oscillation in the Hartley oscillator by creating a positive feedback loop through the inductive and capacitive elements. The resonant frequency of the tank circuit is used to produce a stable oscillation in the Hartley oscillator circuit.
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Oscillator is an electronic circuit which can generate oscillating sin signal without any oscillating input with use of positive feedback
Multivibrator is a two stage RC coupled amplifier circuit which can generate squae signal without ac input
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If an RF amplifier amplifies the incoming signal by 200 times, the power gain of the amplifier is +25.9 dB. Power is proportional to voltage squared, so the power gain is 400. The decibel scale is 3 times log2 of the power change.
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A motor-generator or a solid state power converter can do this.
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A wireless transmission consists of at a minimum: input signal (the data or analog signal you wish to transmit), transmitter, 2 antennas, space (the final frontier) and a receiver/reproducer.
This only makes one way transmission possible. You would need an additional: transmitter, receiver/reproducer and 2 antenna couplers (allows both a transmitter and receiver to use the same antenna) to have 2 way communication.
A basic transmitter consists of a power source, a signal generator (oscillator), signal converter/amplifier, mixer (mixes the oscillator and amp signals to create the transmitted signal), output amplifier.
a receiver is similar to a transmitter except instead of mixing the signal with the oscillator signal it removes the oscillator signal. Systems can be much more complicated depending on power needs (distance between antennas, frequency interference...) and application (encoder/decoder, security or digital conversion).
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The answer to whether an RF power amplifier is useful for your home depends on the qualifty if your equipment. If your T.V. is getting a weak signal for example, an RF power amplifier may be useful to get a better signal.
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Class B operated amplifier is used extensively for audio amplifiers that require high power outputs. Its also used as the driver and power amplifier stages of transmitters.
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A VHF power amplifier increases the amount of power which is sent to your VHF. For more information online you can visit or
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A: Well for one thing if it is positive feedback the amplifier will saturate to one one side of the power buss or the other. An operational amplifier open loop gain can be 90Db which a tremendous gain so some negative feedback is necessary to reduce the gain and make the amplifier behave in the linear region for amplification
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Dc is used to power an oscillator circuit of which the frequency can be controlled
such as 60 HZ.
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An oscillator generates a continuous output signal of a specific frequency by feedback of a portion of the output signal back to the input. This feedback creates a sustained oscillation or periodic waveform. The most common types of oscillators are based on LC circuits, crystal oscillators, and operational amplifiers.
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